Kalama Park is located in an established (read older) neighborhood in Redmond. The signs along the curb read "Slow Children", and "No Parking on Lawn".
There are two play areas, separated by 100 feet or so. The easternmost play area is appropriate for the 3 and under crowd.
If you want your kids to know what playgrounds were like when our country celebrated its 200th birthday, Kalama Park is your time machine.
Pea gravel, a space capsule shaped jungle gym, one metal slide (remember burning your bare legs on those things when you were little?), and a swingset. That's it. No plastic. No themes. No signs with safety guidelines or age range recommendations.
If you get thirsty, you can run over to the drinking fountain that's poking out of a slightly out-of-plumb concrete drain tile.
The funny thing is that my boys love it. They don't know what the word "retro" means, but they like this playground.
The park also includes flush restroom facilities, full court basketball, and a baseball field. Several picnic tables are near the play areas, and the established trees provide more shade than most of the newer parks.
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