Library Park (Prineville)

Note:  This review reflects conditions at this park as of March, 2013. If you know that repairs have been made, please let me know by commenting below.

Library Park has all the makings of a great park: River frontage, nature trail and a unique play area.  But it's in bad shape.  It looks like it survived a flood--maybe it did.  I don't remember hearing of a flood, but I've been wrong before.

The great part of this play structure is the sand play.  Two big bowls with holes in the bottom, a scoop that rides on a track, and a play digger make this a fun place for kids to dig in the sand.

If only it didn't look and feel so dirty.

Restrooms:  Located inside the Crook County Library, a short walk with no sidewalks away.
Parking:  A small lot is located immediately adjacent to the playground.  More parking is available at the library.
Safety:  The river is close by.  Don't forget your hand sanitizer.  The play equipment feels dirty.


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